Wilderness First Aid

This is a fast paced, fun weekend course that teaches and strengthens skills needed to assess, treat, and extract patients in a wilderness setting that are over an hour from professional medical assistance. The cost of instruction is highly subsidized by the OWA Safety & Training program.  Accidents happen and whitewater is inherently dangerous.  This course is designed to help provide the skills to keep yourself, your group, and our river community safer on the water and in all our wilderness adventures.

Any questions, please send an email to safety(at)oregonwhitewater.org.



Wilderness First Aid training has been scheduled for October 5th and 6th, 2024 at Oxbow regional park, group camp #1. The training will run all day on Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th. Attending both days is required to obtain certifications. OWA will provide snacks, coffee, and other drinks to help fuel the day but meals are not provided.


Lead Instruction: Travis Reid, Oregon Rescue LLC

Registration Fee (Non-Refundable): 

  • OWA Members $70 per person - This amount is highly subsidized by OWA
  • Non-members may enroll in the course by purchasing an annual membership for only $28

Lunch:  Lunch will NOT be provided. We will have drinks and snacks but please plan to pack lunch for both Saturday and Sunday.

Gear: Bring weather and scenario appropriate clothing. Early October in Oregon is usually warm and sunny but rain and cool temps are not out of the question. There will be washable fake blood and likely some dirt. Please bring a camp chair, lunch, and a coffee cup for the drink/snack table.

Location:  Oxbow Regional Park, group camp #1. Google Maps.

Time:  Sat/Sun 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, October 5-6th - Attending the entire class is necessary to receive the certifications.

Camping:  OWA has reserved group camp #1 at Oxbow state park which has plenty of room for all participants. Please note no dogs or pets of any kind are allowed at Oxbow park due to park regulations. RV campers should plan to reserve their own site as there are strict restrictions on the number of RVs/large trailers at the group camp site.

Age Limit:  Please be at least age 16 to participate (no exceptions)

Course Summary

The Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course provides introductory medical skills to individuals working or playing in remote environments. Through a hands-on and scenario-based approach, this course offers the skills and confidence needed to make informed medical decisions when definitive care is hours away. The WFA includes short lectures, interactive labs, and realistic practice scenarios that help students master the central concepts of remote medicine and effectively respond to an emergency if necessary.   The WFA includes an introduction to a broad range of medical skills and topics, including:

  • Scene Safety and Site Control
  • Patient Assessment System
  • Lifting & Moving Patients
  • Musculoskeletal & Spinal Injury Management
  • Wound Management & Infection
  • Respiratory & Cardiac Emergencies
  • Metabolic & Allergic Reactions
  • Immersion & Submersion
  • Cold / Heat Emergencies
  • CPR & AED and More.

Course Sign Up

Step 1: OWA Membership

Membership in OWA is required for Wilderness First Aid. If you are already a current member, you may skip to the next section.

Not a member of Oregon Whitewater yet? Please sign up for a membership first and then come back to sign the waiver and pay for the course.

Join the Oregon Whitewater Association


Step 2: Payment

Wilderness First Aid (WFA)

Wilderness First Aid (WFA)


Current OWA Members - $70

This price is heavily subsidized by OWA