President's Corner

Safety Training is Back on Track 

By Scott Harvey

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Greetings fellow club members,

That’s correct, the OWA Safety Program  is back on track for 2022! The two day River Safety Training and Friday evening course happened on April 8th thru 10th. The Friday evening course was two hours at Mary S. Young State Park and consisted of rope knot tying for basic river use and river rescue situations. This was followed by Saturday and Sunday hands on training at Dodge Park along the Sandy River. The River Safety Training was taught by Sam Drevo of ENRG Kayaking, along with several certified instructors.

This course was completely full this year and made possible because of the successful OWA Safety Auction that closed last week. We meet our goal financially in thanks to the vendors and individuals who supported the auction with donated items, shuttles, certificates and the like. Thank you to all those members who bid on this year’s auction items and a special shout out to the two OWA members who generously contributed cash gifts of $50 and $75 to the cause.  

The funds raised through the auction allow the club to offer our members both River Safety Training and Wilderness First Aid Training at a greatly reduced cost. Throughout my 40 years of whitewater boating, I’ve personally seen and experienced numerous on-the-water and riverside emergencies. Almost all were situations that involved other unprepared groups and inexperienced river parties (who were not connected to my group).  Emergency situations can happen anywhere… So be prepared for the unexpected! 

Again, please support the vendors and individuals who support our club and our Safety Auction.      

Information on Boater 101 events over the next few months geared for novice boaters will be coming soon. Stay tuned! 


Cheers and Safe Boating,

Scott Harvey