May 2024

Volume # 25, Number # 5,

May, 2024

The Oregon Whitewater Association brings private boaters together for the enjoyment of whitewater boating. Our vision is to promote whitewater safety and training for all of our membership in an effort to provide safety awareness and confidence when executing river rescue skills. OWA is the community of choice where fun and river adventures thrive and where people and rivers connect.

Thank You to our very own, Scott Harvey running the gut in the class 5 Green Wall Rapids on Southern Oregon's Illinois River. This trip was from a couple years back when the flows on the Kerby gauge was reading a decent 2,500 cfs.

If you want to have your favorite river picture featured, send it to vicepresident-newsletter(at) You can also submit pictures through Instagram or the OWA Facebook group.

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Contact Information

Your OWA Officers and Volunteers

OWA Board of Directors

Scott Harvey, President
Meredith Brezinski, Vice President - Events
Jason Davis, Vice President - Newsletter
Steve Kasper, Secretary
Doug Smith, Treasurer
Steve Herring, Membership Director
Jason Urasky, Technology Director
Will Brezinski, Training Director

OWA Volunteers

Scott Harvey, Trip Editor
Cary Solberg, Advertising Editor
Scott Ogren, Webmaster
Bruce Ripley, Safety Auction Lead

President's Corner

Spring Boating in the Northwest has been in full swing during the last month and these exceptional flows should continue in our local rivers through June. Keep safety as a priority while you’re out recreating on the rivers. Be vigilant and watch for possible hazardous conditions while on the water.

Do you know of a speaker for one of our monthly meetings?

Do you know someone engaging, entertaining, and full of knowledge who you would like to hear speak at a club meeting? Any club member who successfully connects OWA with a speaker for one of our meetings will be entered into a prize drawing for a $75 gift certificate to one of our sponsors. Club members who give a presentation will also be entered into a prize drawing. To discuss a potential speaker, email VicePresident-Events(at)

Trip Reports

Originally I was part of Blair St Denis’s group to run The Salt river in Arizona with a March 12 launch date. The…

River Trip Resources

Stay safe and healthy on the river and be prepared for emergencies.

Do you have a trip coming up? OWA has two extensive Wilderness First Aid kits and AED’s that go on all club trips and are available for club members to take on private trips. You can check them out by sending an email to firstaid(at)

Special Feature

We hope to see you at ClackFest 2024. An event started in 1984

Gear Corner

Recipe of the Month

This cooler-free, shelf-stable recipe was inspired by a tasty meal of TJ's boxed chowder on a recent trip. It was tasty, but not quite substantial enough on its own to curb the rafters' appetites. So I set out in the kitchen to test out a recipe to give it a bit more heft. It tested well in the kitchen with teenage boy taste testers, so hopefully will hold…

Knot of the Month

Used to form high strength loops from cords.

Do you have something to share with the OWA community through the newsletter?

Do you want to share the tale of your latest multi-day rafting adventure or just the basics of your recent day run?  Do you have a recipe your river friends must try? Is there other river-related content you want to share? Any club member who submits written content published in the newsletter will be entered into a prize drawing for 1 of 2 $75 gift certificates to one of our sponsors.  Submitting photos gets you a chance to win 1 of 2 $25 gift certificates.  To submit newsletter content or photos for our social media accounts, email VicePresident-Newsletter(at)

OWA has a Facebook group exclusively for members.  It is a great place to connect with other members to meet up at the river or exchange gear tips. Anyone can follow the OWA Instagram page. 

AWlogo.pngOWA is an affiliate member of American Whitewater.  OWA members receive a $10 discount off of individual membership.  American Whitewater is a national non-profit 501©(3) river conservation organization with a mission is to protect and restore America’s whitewater rivers and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely.  Click the Logo to visit the AW website and learn more.


Note about additional photos here.

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